The following information suggests both physical and emotional indicators to be aware of when you are concerned about the possibility of a child being abused. These indicators are here grouped into the four main categories of child abuse, but may manifest in any combination.
- Failure to provide food, shelter, medicine, etc., to such a degree that a child’s health and safety are endangered
- Child left unattended in public place
- Child dressed inappropriately for weather conditions
- Lack of proper diet and appropriate hygiene
- Child doesn’t want to leave school
- Child is constantly tired
- Child left alone with no supervision
- Child has unmet physical, emotional or medical need
- Bruises, welts, burns, cuts, broken bones, sprains, bites, etc. that are deliberately inflicted
- Any unexplained injuries such as: bruises, welts, burns, fractures, dislocations, lacerations, abrasions, bite marks or scars
- Any injuries that do not match a child’s description of how they occurred (fracture from falling off sofa, etc.)
- Injuries in the shape of the article used (electric cord, belt, buckle, etc.) and/or injuries that do not match
- Internal bleeding
- Repeated and/or frequent injuries
- Difficulty in walking or sitting
- Torn, stained or bloody underclothing
- Pain, swelling or itching in genital area
- Pain when urinating or defecating
- Bruises, bleeding or lacerations in external genitalia, vaginal or anal areas
- Vaginal or penile discharge
- Sexually transmitted disease
- Pregnancy
- Unusual fear of a caregiver
- Unusually close relationship with a caregiver
- Withdrawal, fantasy or infantile behavior
- Compulsive masturbation; excessive or unusual rubbing of the genital area
- Excessive clinging
- Confiding in someone but not telling the whole story (“We have a secret, but I can’t tell.” Or, “I want to tell you something but I can’t.” etc.)
- Dramatic weight loss or gain
- General appearance – a child’s appearance improves dramatically, or a child who was previously very concerned about his or her appearance now shows no interest in it
- Child doesn’t want to go home
- Child runs away from home
- Child becomes involved with drugs
- Child becomes involved with alcohol
- Child talks about or attempts suicide
- Child becomes a loner – withdrawn
- Child is extremely sensitive – overreacts to class correction, etc.
- Mood swings
- Overly modest
- Inconsistency in academic performance
- Rebellion
- Emotional outbursts: crying without explanation, unexplained anger
- Excessive daydreaming
- Extreme closeness to someone of same sex (inseparable)
- Difficulty in relating to one sex or the other, poor peer relationships
- Extremely strong, negative reaction to character challenge
- Lying – self preservation – subtle manipulation
- Inconsistency in answering questions directed to him or her
- Regression of younger child (elementary age) – thumb sucking, baby talk, bedwetting or soiling of clothes
- Young child having sophisticated knowledge of sex: inappropriate interest in, knowledge of, or acting out of sexual matters
- Child acting out physically and/or sexually with peers
- Sexually abused children often have speech or sleep disorders
- They tend to fail to grow normally
- Are very aggressive or withdrawn
- Show an abnormal need for emotional support
- Poor self-image
- Self-destructive behavior
- Speech or sleep disorders
- Failure to grow normally
- Slow mental or emotional development
- Sallow, empty facial expression
- Very aggressive or withdrawn
- Abnormal need for emotional support
- Habit disorders: sucking, biting, rocking
- Antisocial behavior
- Hyperactive or disruptive behavior
- Neurotic traits: sleep disorders, inhibited play, unusual fearfulness
- Depression
- Poor self-image
- Isolation – poor peer relationships
- Behavioral extremes: compliant and passive, or aggressive and demanding
- Self-destructive behavior
- Delinquency or ‘runaway’ behavior
- Alcohol or drug abuse